Saturday, August 9, 2008

In Good Company

Here's a preview of where mom and I will be staying! This is Remi's apartment, located in a provincial town right outside of Bern, Switzerland. Remi teaches piano and was a music major in college (Music majors and former Hist and Lit students--please observe the example of Franconian notation hanging on the wall!). I think we will get along quite well :) I aboslutely LOVE the view... and the baby grand ;)

Friday, August 8, 2008

Let the Countdown Begin!

Well, it has come to that point. With three days left until I depart on August 12th, I am finally realizing that this trip is actually happening. I'm sure many of you will agree with me that after you've been planning and anticipating a big event--say, for instance, a graduation, a wedding or a semester abroad--that after a while you start detatching yourself from the whole ordeal. Your big extravaganza starts becoming a mere story... just something exciting to tell your family at the reunion or brag about to your friends. It's like you could be telling a story about anyone, and never once actually realize that there will come a day when this "big day" will actually arrive... and all of these granduer stories that you've been telling will become realities.

Unfortunately, these recent realizations have been accompanied by great saddness on my part. Granted, prior to this saddness I've been incredibly giddy about the whole semester-in-Vienna experience. As the departure countdown dwindles down into the single-digits, I've developed a terrible homesickness and an unwillingness to leave my family and friends behind. This is due, in part, to the incredible summer I've had this year. In doing "Beauty and the Beast" I was able to spend quality time with the people I care most about, including my best-friend-for-years-now-boyfriend, Eric. I am especially heart-broken to be leaving him (although I must gleefully add that I will be seeing him when he visits Germany in September with his own study abroad ambitions). Regardless, the amazing friends and family that I treasure so much are willing to keep in touch via technology like Facebook, e-mail, Skype, and good-ol-fashioned letters.

Granted, I must remember how quickly this past semester went. Four months abroad will fly by. Thinking about the amazing places and cultures I will experience is truly exhilirating... I'm suddenly speechless thinking about it.

In case you're curious as to why I'm leaving so early when my classes don't even begin until August 25th: My mom and I are flying into Zurich, Switzerland and spending a few days with our cousin, Remi Schupbach (who speaks little English, only French). While with him we will be seeing Bern, Schupbach (yes, it is a town!), Zurich and attending a Mendelssohn Music festival. I am very excited to meet him, as mom and I have been corresponding with him for about a year now. After we spend a few days in Switzerland, mom and I are travelling by rail to Rome, Italy, where we will spend two intensive touring days: Pantheon, Sistine Chapel, Catacombs, Collesium... you name it, we're going to see it! Then, we make our way up to my final destination--Vienna, Austria--where I will meet my dearest friend and roommate, Olivia DeJesus, who will have arrived the day prior. We move in to our Apartment building on the 20th, and then stick around for orientation on the 22nd. I'm so thankful to have Olivia there with me... I honestly am thrilled to be able to experience this with her! Fun times are in the making!

I'm also very much looking forward to spending the next two weeks with mom--she has really been busting her butt to try and arrange all of these tours and travel info. She's probably the most organized person I know... God love her!

Well, I think that will suffice for a "first post." Please look for more as the days go on... I will keep you posted as much as possible. Please keep in touch :)

All my best,