Monday, December 15, 2008

So Long, Farewell, Aufwiedersehen, Goodbye!

The departure countdown stands at 8 days. I'm really torn about how I feel, leaving Vienna. I've truly grown to love this city--not for it's people or it's "perfect fit" for me--but because of its charm... its history and its beauty. In the past few weeks, I've finally been able to invest in my relationships with people here: our neighbor, Julia, our voice teacher, my music professor, our friends Greg and Verina, my English professor, a few native couples from Austria... and now, I have to abandon them and bank on the fact that I might never see them again. I will miss them, true. But like I said--it's the city I will miss most. Going to the opera will no longer be a nightly entertainment option and passing historical monuments and incredible architecture on the public transportation will no longer be typical. Hearing German will no longer be the norm. Experiencing the excitement of the big city will be few and far between. I've finally come to the point where living a day-to-day life in Vienna seems entirely normal... like I belong here... like I'm just like any other person.

But I miss home--not because of its charm, history or beauty--but because of the people and the memories. If I were a completely independent and free person I would imagine I might be perfectly fine with staying abroad for another semester... another year... another five years, even. But I'm not. My friends and family mean the world to me, and a large fraction of my happiness is centered in those people. I've missed out on so many birthdays, family gatherings, and important events, and I am anxious to re-enter that world to which I was so accustomed 4 months ago. I don't think I've ever missed anyone so much to the point of it literally being painful--but there were times recently where this was the case. Whether it be Eric, my mom, my dad, my aunt and her boys, my wonderful friends at BW--they truly have never left my mind during my excursions here!

Christmas truly is one of the most beautiful and incredible times of the year for me... and this year it is even moreso true.

I worry about it being awkward, for my friends and family, when I return home. Where do I even begin?? So much has happened during these past 4 months--on both ends of the spectrum! Ideally, I want to come home with the feeling that no time has passed. That I've been trapped in a giant time warp where I've been living my life normally (okay, well, better than "normally" I would like to think) since August, but everyone else has been frozen in time. I'll pick up right where I left off.

I'm curious as to whether I'll experience culture shock or not... I mean, Austria is a westernized country... not extremely culturally different from the States.... so surely it can't be all that bad. I suppose we'll have to see!

Anyway... this is really a hodge-podge post... but essentially I wanted to do an official "sign-off" for my Vienna Monologues. This next week will be insane for me, what with preparing for finals, packing, and preparing for our recital, and I doubt I'll have time to write. I leave December 23rd, bright and early, and will be home (weather permitting) later that night. Please pray for a safe and smooth flight and I can't wait to see you all very soon :)

Much love! Tschuss, ciao, baba!