Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Naked Biker Man and Political "Party"... literally

Hi again, all :)

Yes... I know... no Venice post and no Paris post yet... shame, shame on me! They're written, I just have to type them out ;) It's a long task needing long, consecutive periods of time... I'll get there eventually--promise!

So many interesting and exciting things have happened here in the past few days that I feel obligated and motivated to write about them!

I'd like to get the most forefront and important issue out of the way first--2008 Presidential Election. Was it a big deal here in Austria, you ask? Yes. Quite the big deal, actually. So big that if you asked an Austrian the name of the Independent Party leader in his own country's election, he wouldn't know--but you can almost bank on the fact that he can tell you the names of both US Presedential candidates! The papers and underground station TVs always had a little blurb everyday, following the campaign trail. It wasn't until I moved here that I realized how "big" the U.S. is in the global scope of things... how many people and countries we affect.... how many foreigners follow OUR news...

It is no secret that the Europeans, as a whole, preferred Sen. Obama. I haven't met one European who has supported McCain, and most of the people I've met have truly been adamant supporters. "The young and vibrant new face of America... the face of a change much needed!" seems to be the feeling here. My voice teacher, random strangers on the train, professors, grocery store clerks would spend five minutes lecturing you about how hopeful they were that Obama would win the Presidency... and with genuine sincerity and sometimes serious alarm. Europe is concerned about American, whether they hate us or like us, because they reap the run-off of our dumb mistakes. It's funny--before I came here I was admittably vague on either candidates' policies and political philosophies. When I realized that everyone here knew MORE than I, an American citizen, did about the election, I knew I had to get my butt in gear! I can honestly say that I have become a better, more informed citizen of MY country by being OUT of the country. It allows you to step back, evaluate from afar, and get other perspectives. Soooo enlightening.

Last night, I went to the Democrats Abroad:Vienna Election night party. Democrats abroad is an organization for Americans in foreign countries and frankly for anyone who takes interest in Liberal politics. It was held at a really nice English pub in the 7th district of Vienna, Lion Rampant Pub. The place was all decked out with red-white-and-blue decor, crepe paper, life size Obama and Hillary cut-outs, and various pro-Obama banners and paraphanilia. There had large plasma screens in the rooms, broadcasting CNN at high volume levels (but still never quite loud enough for everyone to hear lol). Let me tell assure you that we were in serious violation of fire codes last night--this place could probably hold about 100 people max. There were, and I kid you not, 500 people packed like sardines into this place. There was a significantly large crowd convened outside the door.

It was so wonderful to be there. Even though I really didn't know anyone else, it felt comforting to be in the presence of fellow Americans and English speakers ;) These people were coming together for a cause and to watch a historic event in their home country. Anyway... I met a few people: a man who worked for the UN, his wife, a few girls from Manhattan, a guy from Kansas City, and even saw a few familiar faces--Professor Horsfield (who's English, mind you lol) and his wife, and a few of our St. Louis friends who came later.

Long story short, we lucked out by getting actual SEATS in the far front--RIGHT by the T.V. screen! From about 9:30 to midnight we political "partied" it up. It was chill, and it helped me keep up to date with the election. Technically, the venue lasted until the election was called (EST) which is about 6:00 am here (!!!), but I had an exam this morning and Olivia and didn't want to take the night bus.

I've always wondered if there was a Republicans Abroad... hmm...

Anyway, so yeah. Stayed up until about 2:45 to see a few states get called, and then I simply couldn't keep my eyes open. I knew when I woke up, we would have a new President Elect--and I had done my part (sent in my absentee). I was scared to go to bed lol.

But I woke up. And I immediately went to my computer and refreshed the CNN browser that had been up the entire night while I slept. It felt like the world was on my shoulders. The weight was immediately lifted when I saw the headlines. I was proud and inwardly overjoyed (I had to contain my excitement, as Olivia was still sleeping). After watching both Obama's victory and McCain's concession speeches, I was nearly moved to tears by how far our country has come. I was proud of both candidates and how maturely they handled the results (people on Facebook, however, were not so polite... that's another story). I was inspired by the hope of the new frontier and honored to have taken part in such a historical event. I felt apprehension for the vivacious Obama, knowing the kind of crap he is getting into. This man is inheriting the most intense first day agenda since... in all seriousness... Abraham Lincoln.

Today I walked out of the apartment, hoping someone would ask me where I was from, because for once I wouldn't be associated with Bush. I was happy to be associated with Obama... especially in Europe. I went to the grocery store and the clerk said something other than "Gruss Gott" and "alles." As usual when I don't understand, I replied that I spoke English. "Oooh! You are from America, yes?" I nodded, nervous for her reply as always. "We love Obama. We are so happy for the US. Congratulations!" I smiled and felt very fufilled. I hope that he is able to live up to these expectations. We are placing our hopes and futures into his leadership.

ANYWAY, now that the political sheisse is out of the way... on to the most interesting part of this blog--the naked biker man.

Yessir, he was a biker. He was probably in his 60's. He had a pony tail of scragly, gray thinning hair. He had a significant pot belly and bird-like legs.

And he was stark naked.

Ah, such are the joys of my new art class... last week when the Prof mentioned that she would try to change up the body types of our nude models for variety and practice, Olivia joked: "Watch it be some HUGE trucker guy! Hahahaha!" Touche, Olivia. Touche.

Olivia may have dropped the class... but I had to reap the "benefits" of this ironic jinx. For two straight hours. I think the stigma of the old-man penis has worn off... I mean, staring at a marble statue of a ancient Roman's junk is one thing. When it's there in-living-color... eek. The situation might have been better if he were younger... perhaps better looking... But it was good practice for me in regards to my sketches. Lots of "contours" I never had to draw before. It's weird... you stop seeing the body as a whole body. You begin to see it as abstract shapes, lines and objects. I feel that this is ideal because your mind can't trick you out of drawing what's really there... you stop thinking "well, the leg should go here, and the belly button should be like soo..." and just see a continuous flow of shapes, shadows, highlights and contours that's more accurate.

(I'm just trying to Romanticize the fact that I just saw a 65 year old man naked. Don't worry.)

Oh... and to change the subject: Althea asked Olivia and I to sing for one of her friend's house recital/showcase or something like that. It's next Tuesday and Olivia and I have to get our duet and a few solo pieces ready by then. EEK! Oh well... should be a good experience :) We're just honored she asked us to perform!

Well shoot. It's late and I need to do Deutsch Hausaufgaben... Tschuss, ciao baba!


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